Here I am in Pulau Duyong Terengganu. My days hasn't stopped for the past 2 months I think? :p After the Commonwealth Games, the next day I had shoot with Cipta Asia for the Rhb The Star Mighty Minds (Sat n Sunday), then on Monday straight to Terenggau for the Malaysian Match Racing Championships (MMRC) and the Asian Match Racing Championships (AMRC).
The race during the Malaysian Match Racing was quite slow during the round robin, so it was quite boring, that because there was no wind! I had to do a lot of waiting. Of course there were the favourite teams such as the Koo siblings, Tiffany and Jeremy Koo. This was the first time they faced each other in a match! 2 years in a row when Tiffany won the MMRC 2006 and 2007, Jeremy, the brother was one of her crew member. But this year, Jeremy decided to skipper his own Team.
It was definitely the right decision because Jeremy managed to steal the title and won the MMRC 2010. So this mean, he will be competing in the Monsoon Cup, together with International sailors.
My money was on the defending champion, Hazwan Hazim Dermawan. He's got so much potential and after winning last years Championships, he managed to score some sponsors for his team, PULSE and AC LAW. Now he's spreading his wing and as we all know, with sponsors, you can go really far. So, next year, Hazwan will be racing at the Korea Match Racing! So proud! Even though he didn't manage to defend his title this year, but its ok..he still has a long way to go. Experience does count because in real fact, Jeremy has more experience than he does.
WAH! This is like an article for the papers or something kan?? ahahhahha oklah, let me put some pictures up..

Masa ni tengah boring..hehehe

Of course you need this to move around in the Ri-Yaz Marina..
Dammit! i don't know why I cant put anymore pictures?? Takpe nanti I sambung ok!
Love Love!