Last night I was emcee-ing the NIKE HO10 line with Adam C. It was actually quite funny coz the both of us had no idea exactly what we were suppose to do,we only discussed about the games that we were gonna play. So 30 minutes before the event and while I was getting my face touched up, we kelam kabut trying to understand the whole event.

Anyway, moving on, the event started with some speeches by the key people in NIKE and then dinner was served (chinese dinner, and man, its been too long since i had chinese food). The food at One World Hotel was oklah..I've had better but I didn't really eat coz I normally don't, or should I say cant eat while I'm working...sebab nervous hehehe..
While the retailers were having dinner, there was a NIKE HO10 Line fashion show, performances by the cheerleaders from CHARM and B-BOYS

These guys (above) were awesome! I was very impressed with their b-boy skills! And of course the clothes they were wearing was cun also! :p

After all that, Adam and I started our games and the first game was called the "running man". As you can see from the picture above, that's me demonstrating how its done. I can't believe neither of the "athletes" (that's what we address the guests as) had no idea what the "running man" was! I mean, all of them were born way before me and "running man" was hot during their time (MC HAMMER era) and they didn't know how to do it???!! But anyway..all participants did what they had too and were given NIKE goodies. Man, tough crowd they were! Adam and I had a hard time trying to pump up the ballroom!

Then we played the "jug" game where the person who can hold the jug filled with water the longest wins! It looks and sounds super simple but in actually fact, its tough! The guy in the green NIKE t-shirt looked pretty retarded towards the end of the game, but I have to give him a pat on the back for trying to hold it to the end but lost to the guy behind him.
The final game we played was very cheeky and stupid! hehehe...where the contestant had to write an alphabet using their a**! hahaha it was so funny watching all of them moving their a**es from left to right,back to front. Imagine writing the letter "i" (lower caps)!
All in all, everybody had a good time and it went quite well. I certainly had a good time and guess who turned up to take the pictures that you're looking at sister kak ina and her daughter Tasha..